![]() ________________________ "During supper, when the devil had already put it into the heart of Judas Iscariot, Simon's son, to betray him..." John 13:2 ESV ________________________ This Lord's Day we will begin a new study in the gospel of John. We'll be looking at the upper room narative, in particular (chapters 13-17). As I began my studies, I was struck by how much of chapter 13 is devoted to (of all people) Judas, the Betrayer. Almost a third of the verses center around this fiend of a man. Even more interesting were the comments by John Gill in reference to verse 2. Gill picks apart what happened to Judas and shows us how his fall into perdition was begotten. Gill gives us an anatomy of Judas' seduction and shows us how each of us should take care to not follow the same route into oblivion. "Let anyone who thinks that he stands take heed lest he fall." We do good to heed this instruction and consider how Judas, a man chosen by Christ and designated to the high office of apostle, was seduced into becoming a Satanic force. Therefore, remember... 1. Your status means nothing: Judas may have held the most significant ecclesiastical office, but that did not provide any security to his heart. Jesus had chosen him to be an apostle (a leader, a teacher, a miracle worker, etc) and invested him with profound authority. Nevertheless, he was but a man filled with evil appetites. Thus he was not immune from the vilest of temptations. We do well to remember that no matter our standing, we are constantly dependent upon divine grace to remain faithful. We may climb the corporate ladder or attain a place of prominence within the church, but we are still sons of Adam. We must therefore seek God's favor constantly, asking for Him to guard our hearts and deliver us from the evil. 2. It can happen anytime / anywhere: The verse says that it was "during supper" (or possibly soon before the meal) that Judas' determined to betray our Lord. There he was, in the presence of Christ himself, enjoying the Passover holiday. He was involved in a rite of worship. It was a religious festival where almost every dinner movement had some sort of spiritual lesson. Despite the holiness of the occasion, the devilish thought darted into his mind. While hymns were sung, Satanic suggestions echoed in his ears and calcified his heart. "No place and company can preserve persons from the evil suggestions of the devil," says Gill. So we must remember that though we enter a church building or participate in a worship service, we are still susceptible to untold folly. The only protection we have is the gracious assistance of the Spirit upholding and preserving us at all times. 3. Your festering sin can open the door to greater misdeeds. Gill points out that in the previous chapter Judas was in a huff over the fact that Jesus was anointed with precious oil. Satan took this opportunity and used it to his diabolical advantage. "Do not let the sun go down on your anger, lest you give the devil a foothold." Judas illustrates the words of Eph. 4:27. We must remember that Satan loves warm coals of sin. He will not let them smolder and die out. He takes advantage of it and stokes the irksome attitude to achieve greater villany. If you can do anything to resist the devil, it is this: Repent quickly and subdue anger. Kill the beast of sin before the Beast of Sin kills you. As we consider how Judas was seduced, we may learn from his mistakes. We are not ignorant of the wiles of the devil and we can steer clear of them. And, as we seek the Lord's favor and strive to maintain a godly comportment, we can have hope of remaining true to God. Are you interested in becoming a member of Hopewell? It is a way to make your commitment to Christ more visible and enjoy more of the benefits of Christ's care. Feel free to check out the process for becoming a member on our website. Then let us know your interest; we'd love to talk with you about it. We'd love for you to join us for worship. If you are looking for a church home, or just a place to learn about Christianity in general, we invite you to visit us Sundays at 10:30 am. We meet in the conference room at Hedstrom Plastics (100 Hedstrom Drive).
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