Those of you who watched the first presidential debate know that we probably shouldn't call it presidential. It was anything but dignified. The words "chaos" and "circus" have been used to describe the disorder. One may say that these debates were snapshots of many believers' lives. There is a lack of godly structure to their lives and a failure to order one's daily life. This lack of discipline, in turn, leads to the chaos of frustration, misery, and sin. Take Jim, for example. Jim does not practice godly life structure in terms of his sleeping habits. He regularly does not wake up on time, eat a proper breakfast, and (because he is running late to work) tend to proper hygiene and good dress. He scurries in late and presents himself before his boss in his disheveled hair and wrinkled pants. Jim then complains when he is let go from the job, unable to pay his bills, and dumped by his girlfriend. Or consider Kathryn. Kathryn has begun to develop a problem with anxiety. She's finding that the pounding heart and racing thoughts are becoming a daily struggle. She's weary when she hits the sack at night because she's been in a state of hypervigilance all day...but her phone buzzes with yet another notification and she quickly reaches over to view it. Both Jim and Kathryn could be professing believers, but each needs to grasp the need to rightly order one's life. Paul tells the Thessalonians that they should, "keep aloof from every brother who leads an unruly (or undisciplined) life." He further adds that the Thessalonians were to follow his example for, "we did not act in an undisciplined manner among you." (1 Thes. 3:6-7). The undisciplined life is the unruly life. It is a life which lacks sense and the good order of a godly routine. Paul calls the fun loving, intemperate Thessalonians to look at his life and how he sought to maintain good habits which promoted godliness in his daily affairs. We see such discipline in King Jotham's life. When he came to power he "ordered his ways before the Lord his God." He made it a point to discipline himself and structure his administration in a way that aligned with the will of God. As a result, God blessed him and his rule became increasingly more powerful. Part of our sanctification in life is striving for that kind of life structure. It may be as simple as waking up on time, turning off the phone at night, or making a list of chores to complete each day. Or it may mean making a plan to replace the excesses of life with a solid routine for exercise, church activities, school work, health, recreation, etc. Moreover, it pertains to one's thought life. A person's mind might be in the habit of unruly thinking (lust, fear, negativity, judgmentalism), and he may need to discipline himself to think about those things that pertain to good order: things that are excellent, praiseworthy, pure, true, etc. The point is that God calls us to mimic Him. He is "not a God of confusion," and we should reflect that, just as Jotham did. _________________________________ Reflect & Apply Ask yourself: "What in my life is in disarray? What kind of restructuring would promote more godliness in my life?" Do you have a Jotham or Paul in your life? What habits do they have which promote godliness? What do they do that you can copy in your own life? Mighty Lord, Extend Your Kingdom This month we will be learning another new song. As you listen to become familiar with the cadence/tune be sure to note the song's emphasis on God's sovereignty and the gospel's spread throughout the world. Culture Watch: "Side B' Sexual Identity
One of the major issues of our day regards sexual identity. Since there is a great deal of confusion within the church, it is particularly needful to understand the Scripture's teaching. This article will explain the concept of Side B orientation and will help solidify who God calls us to be.
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